Friday, May 1, 2009

This is One Fantastic Experience!!

We survived our first week - pretty intensive and packed every minute of the day.......we have loved it all. It has been filled with laughter and tears as we have shared lives and learning. The Missionary Training Center is a miracle in itself - we just sit and marvel as we watch all that transpires here - from feeding everyone here - listening to languages in every tongue....watching young men and women who totally dedicate themselves and those Senior Couples like us who have left much to come as well............We have had wonderful experiences together and find total joy in serving together. If there is one piece of advice we could give to people it would be "SENIOR COUPLES GO NOW!!!" You are truly needed. In our group that came in with us we have two medical doctors going to Nauvoo, and Australia, Single Sisters going to Germany, North Carolina, Auditing directors going to Germany, facility management for Palmyra New York, several couples going to Welfare - Employment Specialist, and a couple going to Jordan where he will be a District Leader for Jordan, Egypt, has been wonderful to get to know them all and to share this week together.

We appreciate again so much the prayers in our behalf - we feel strength by your love and prayers. We have received emails - cookies (which we shared with our District and teachers today) and notes. One cute note where the Ralph family was discussing where we were - Marcus said......They are in the "Empty Sea"? I thought they were going to Arizona!!" Ha ha! We shared that with our group and it traveled around the (Empty Sea = MTC - Missionary Training Center)! Everyone loved it and it lifted spirits.............


  1. so great to hear all is well, your presence is definitely missed but what you are doing is awesome. Our prayers are with you.
    Carol Tegland

  2. Wow, you look like you are in your element:) What diverse service is going out with the Senior couples. That's wonderful! You're in our prayers. Thanks for sharing.
