Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hafen's Hummingbirds........

Our little bird flock has grown...........we now count as many as 12 or more each time we look out the window............we have taken to making our own Hummingbird Nectar and learned that we don't need to put red coloring in it at all!!

Here are some interesting facts! The wing beat rate of hummingbirds varies by species, with the common Ruby-Throated averaging a wing beat of about 53 per second, seen by the human eye as a blur. The wings move in a figure 8 pattern to produce the gravity-defying hover effect for which hummers are famous. The energy needs of this little bird are amazing - they must feed every 10 -15 minutes throughout the day, consuming up to two thirds of their body weight in food.

Hummingbirds cannot smell and depend upon their eyesight to seek out flowers and food sources.

You can see Elder Hafen's job is now feeding every day!!! In fact, it is pretty funny to see him go out because they literally dive bomb at him while he gets it ready for them!!

1 comment:

  1. I always look at your blog and forget to comment.. whoops! But just know I am reading it all and LOVING it! thanks for being so good at keeping us up to date!
